Among the most beautiful tourist destinations that you can visit in the Low Tatras are: Chopok (2024 m.a.s.l.), Ďumbier (2043 m.a.s.l.) and Kráľova hoľa (1948 m.a.s.l.). We can classify them as physically demanding, but the view from their summit is definitely worth the effort. If you are a fit tourist, you can plan a hike along the ridge in the west-east direction, or vice versa. One of the most beautiful natural monuments of the Low Tatras is Vrbické pleso. It is located at an altitude of 1113 m.a.s.l. in the western part of Demänovská Dolina. It was formed during the melting of a glacier on the northern slopes of Chopok and Dereš. It is a moraine lake, which means that it was formed in a part that was hollowed out by a moraine (rock debris). When the ice melted, the water accumulated in this part and was later fenced off with other natural materials. That is why we classify Vrbické pleso among fenced and moraine lakes, which are typical for their large area, shallow depth and picturesque shores. This lake also proves this. It covers an area of 0.69 ha, reaches a maximum depth of 8 m, and is 115 m long and 62 m wide. Vegetation (coniferous and deciduous trees) is gradually expanding on its banks and the surroundings are accessible by hiking trails. Since 1975, the lake has been protected as a natural monument with the highest, fifth, level of protection.
The open-air museum is the most visited exhibition of the Liptov Museum. In addition to the exhibition of the traditional way of life and employment of various social classes of Liptov in the past, the open-air museum has a permanent offer of program events according to the calendar. The objects come from several Liptov villages, mainly from the area flooded by the Liptovská Mara dam. They are copies of original buildings with numerous original elements. In addition to wooden folk architecture, you can find reconstructions of two original medieval stone buildings here - the early Gothic church of Our Lady of Liptovská Mara and the Gothic-Renaissance mansion from Parížovce.
This all-wooden Evangelical church was transferred to the cadastre of the village of Svätý Kríž from Palúdza in 1974-1982. The ground plan of the church with a length of 43 m has the shape of a cross and can accommodate almost six thousand visitors. The interior contains a remarkable wooden Baroque altar from 1693 with a painting of the Transfiguration of Christ. The pulpit standing on a log foundation, as if supported by a Baroque angel in front, is also unique. The two-step choir galleries are decorated with biblical paintings, which, together with a large Venetian glass chandelier, complete the magical interior of the church. A freestanding wooden tower serving as a bell tower, which was added later, forms a harmonious whole with the church.
Celtic site HAVRÁNOK is located on the hill Úložiské near the Liptovská Mara reservoir. A settlement from the Early Iron Age (300-100 BC) was found here. In the 11th to 15th centuries, a Slavic wooden castle fortified with palisades stood here. The dwelling buildings, sacrificial sites, a furnace and various objects have been partially reconstructed and form an archaeological museum in nature. Furthermore, there are reconstructions of Celtic buildings, a reconstructed La Tène wall and gate, a medieval defensive ditch, a bridge, a paved courtyard and the basement of a wooden, residential tower, and a medieval church is being reconstructed. Declared a national cultural monument in 1967.
is a foothill settlement and the best-preserved folk architecture reserve in Slovakia. The purely wooden village has been a folk architecture monument reserve since 1977 and was inscribed on the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List in December 1993. The first written mention is from 1376 as a street in the town of Ružomberok. It was founded as a settlement of woodcutters or charcoal burners. It is the only village in Slovakia not disturbed by new construction. The dominant feature of the village is the wooden bell tower. There are 45 original folk architecture buildings in the village, which form a remarkable architectural unity. The wooden houses and adjacent farm buildings are an ideally preserved image of a former Slovak mountain village with all its original character. It is a living open-air museum of Slovak mountain housing in its original location. The only brick building in the village is a small church.
On the road between Štrba and Važec is one of the largest military cemeteries in Slovakia. It is a cemetery of German soldiers who fought in World War II. This place of reverence, where fallen soldiers dream their eternal dream, lies in the shadow of the Tatra peaks. The area is maintained all year round and was awarded the Slovak Prize for Architecture. Even though the men buried in this cemetery fought for ideals that were what they were, let this place be a memento for everyone.
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT NICHOLAS – the oldest architectural monument in the town of Liptovský Mikuláš, the first written mention dates back to 1299.
KOLOMAN SOKOL CENTRE – gallery of the prominent graphic artist and painter, a native of Mikuláš, Koloman Sokol.
JANK KRÁĽ MUSEUM – in the permanent exhibition "Chapters from the history of the city of l. Mikuláš" presents the history of the city from the first written mention to 1945.
ST. MIKULAŠ'S TORTURE CHAMBER – exhibition depicting the "suffering" interrogation of the legendary robber Juraj Jánošík in March 1713.
SYNAGOGUE – the last monument of Jewish history in Liptovský Mikuláš.
LIPTOV MUSEUM – BLACK EAGLE – history of hunting and fishing in Liptov.
SLOVENSKÉ MÚZEUM OCHRANY PříRODY AND SPELING – museum of Slovak cave wealth, minerals, Slovak fauna and flora.LIPTOV GALLERY OF PETR MICHAL BOHÚŇ – the third oldest gallery in Slovakia makes available works of art of old, modern and contemporary art.
LIPTOVSKÁ GALÉRIA PETRA MICHALA BOHÚŇA – tretia najstaršia galéria na Slovensku sprístupňuje umelecké diela starého, moderného i súčasného umenia.
ĽUDOVÍT FULLA GALLERY IN RUŽOMBERK – The gallery building was designed and built to preserve and make available to the public the work of art of Ľudovít Fulla, which this artist donated to the state. The artist's studio and living spaces are also open to the public. In addition to the permanent exhibition of this author's work, the gallery annually hosts various short-term exhibitions of art works, cultural and educational programs for the public.
HISTORICAL SALT ROUTE – consists of artwork and text material. It presents the history of the salt trade and the routes by which this precious raw material arrived in Liptovský Hrádek.
BLADE PRINTING IN LIPTOV . history of blueprint printing as a guild craft in Liptov, presentation of folk clothing and home textiles from blueprints, exhibition of blueprint forms. Reconstruction of the workshop of the last master Daniel Žiška from Hýby.
BOBBIN LACE GALLERY – Liptov bobbin lace, characteristic patterns of cap lace, lace used in folk clothing and home textiles. Presentation of the Lace Road project.
The specialized exhibition of shepherding culture is built in the attic of a historical building. It has a supra-regional character and its goal is to present cultural traditions associated with traditional forms of sheep breeding. In addition to wooden hut buildings and utilitarian objects for processing sheep's milk, there are clothes and characteristic clothing accessories of shepherds from several regions of Slovakia. A separate section is the Gallery of Folk Art.